How does solar work?
Panels take light energy and convert into DC power
Inverters convert DC to AC power
AC power is piped in to your home for everyday use
Installing Solar is simple
Enphase microinverters are installed at the back of each solar panel, simplifying the wiring, ducting, and panel installation requirements. This usually means you can have an install completed within a day.
No matter where you are, solar can help you save money
Solar makes great financial sense. Your roof is a valuable but underutilized asset.
BuildSolar has analyzed the largest Solar data set in the US to identify the most qualified solar installers in your neighborhood.
The steps are as follows:1) Learn about solar2) Calculate your costs and savings3) Answer all your questions4) Enjoy peace of mind with your new solar system
What do I need to know?
How much money can I save by going solar?

Depending on your roof, your location, and the solar system you install, you can reduce your power costs up to 100%. Your BuildSolar expert can help you determine the size of the system you need.

What tax incentives are available to me?

The 30% Federal Tax Credit will be reduced to 26% in 2020 and 22% in 2021. Many states, counties, and cities also offer additional financial incentives and loans. Your BuildSolar project consultant can help explain these in more detail.

Who can install solar? Where can I find them?

Installing a solar system requires touching two important parts of your home: the roof and electrical system. It should only be performed by a licensed installer. BuildSolar can help you find qualified installers near you for free.

How long will this take and what are the steps involved?

It takes about 90 days plan and install your solar system. The steps include:

  • Learn about solar
  • Get bids from qualified installers
  • Get a permit to operate
  • Install the system
  • Activate the system
What technology makes this possible?

Solar Panels convert Solar Energy into Direct Current (DC). These are made from semi-conductors and have varying degrees of efficiency and efficacy. Inverters then take this Direct Current (DC) and converts it into Alternating Current (AC). This AC can then be used by our electrical systems and appliances to perform their daily tasks. Solar Panels and Inverters are connected together to create enough energy to meet your power needs.